Knowledge is power! I take inspiration from the word of God in Hosea 4:6 which says " people perish for lack of knowledge". When we lack knowledge in a thing, we often than not, risk losing our lives or precious things or people in our lives, all because we didn't have prior knowledge or information that could have positively impacted our lives. My passion is to help educate people, even the most vulnerable in our society, so that they can be empowered to make life transforming decisions that will impact their overall health.
Rev. Juliette Osborne
RJOOF empowers individuals and communities to gain knowledge in areas of health, nutrition, wellness and individual development. Rev. Juliette Osborne together with a team of professionals engage the community through seminars, workshops and other public speaking arenas. The goal is to educate people on health related matters that will impact their life in various ways.
The health professionals who volunteer their services with RJOOF do so out of their passion to touch lives outside their normal scope of practice. RJOOF believes if it educates people on health related matters, it will help to shape their total wellbeing and set precursor to minimize or eradicate sicknesses and diseases that are preventable due to lifestyle changes.
Contact Us
Do you need a speaker at your next event to educate your audience on health, wellness and nutrition? You can contact RJOOF and our team of health professionals who volunteer their time with us on a pro bono basis to champion our vision. We will be more than happy to speak at your event.
We just want to make a difference!